Be all you can be!

Welcome to Reception

Teacher: Miss Fletcher & Mrs Saif

Teaching Assistants: Miss Cribb & Miss Harrison 

In Reception, all children have the opportunity to learn through play in a range of different activities. There will be many new opportunities for your child to develop their knowledge and understanding of all areas of the Early Years curriculum.

Important Information 

  • Children can bring 1 healthy afternoon snack, ie fruit, cheese string, yogurt
  • Please send your child into school every day with a labelled water bottle.
  • P.E. for both classes is on Friday.  The children will need to come to school in their P.E. kit and they will stay in this all day. P.E. lessons are held outside most of the time, but not always, so please ensure that they wear something warm if it is cold (e.g. tracksuit bottoms and their school jumper).
  • Look out for our homework uploaded to the Google Classroom every week on a Friday this is due in the following Wednesday. This activity is a wonderful way to build upon the learning that we are doing in school.
  • A RWI reading book will also be sent home on Fridays to be returned the following Wednesday.  Alongside this, a book to share for enjoyment will be sent home.
  • All children will require wellies (named) to be left in school to allow them to access the continuous provision in all weathers.
  • Each week we will set aside time to look at the work/photographs uploaded to the Google classroom.  Please feel free to share what you get up to outside of school as this is great for the children to share and develop their language skills.
  • Please provide a spare set of clothes /in your child’s bag

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum is broad and balanced and has been designed to inspire children and to nurture a passion for lifelong learning.

Some of our exciting topics in Reception include:

Let’s Explore

Once Upon a Time

Long Ago

Ready, Steady Grow

Big Wide World

Moving on