Be all you can be!

Welcome to Year 1

Teachers: Miss Brean & Miss Shannon

Teaching Assistants: Miss Floyd & Miss McConville

Year One is where children develop a strong love of reading. They begin to show incredible progress as both independent readers and writers. The children will build upon the strong foundations and experiences gained during their time in EYFS and they will begin to be able to express this in different ways.

Important Information

  • Please send your child in with a drink of water every day.
  • P.E. is on Mondays in Class 1B and 1S. The children will need to arrive at school in their PE kit and they will stay in this all day. P.E. will only be held outside so please ensure they wear something warm if it is cold out (tracksuit bottoms and a jumper).
  • Spelling homework is uploaded to the Google classroom weekly on a Wednesday and due in on the following Wednesday. The children are tested on their spellings every Wednesday.
  • Phonics homework is uploaded to the Google classroom weekly on a Wednesday and is due in the following Wednesday. This will build on recent learning in class.
  • Reading books will be sent home every Wednesday and the book must be returned to school on the following Monday, ready to be discussed in class. 
  • Maths homework will be set on Wednesday, and returned to school by the following Wednesday.
  • Each week we will set aside time to look at the work/photographs uploaded to the Google classroom.  Please feel free to share any thing that you do outside of school that may be of interest to the whole class.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is an exciting way of delivering a broad and balanced curriculum that inspires children to nurture a passion for lifelong learning.  Our topics this year include:


Bright lights, Big City

School Days

Our Wonderful World