Be all you can be!

At Twickenham Primary School, our vision is to give children relationship and health education which enables them to become confident, safe and aware members of the world we live in. 

In an ever-changing complex world Children need to know how to be safe and healthy. At Twickenham primary we help them, through relationship and health/PHSE lessons to embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life.  Children are supported to develop healthy relationships, and to keep themselves and others safe, both on and offline.

We believe it is important to build knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes about health, especially mental health.  Our school teaches about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It also enables our children to improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviours.

At Twickenham, we believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident, life-long learners who will go on to live a successful adult life.


From September 2020, Relationships and Health Education (RHED) is a compulsory subject for all primary aged children. Relationships and Health Education is designed to equip children with lifelong knowledge which will enable them to make informed decisions about their well-being, health and relationships, in turn helping them prepare for a successful adult life. The vast majority of the topics and themes will be taught through our RHED/PSHE/PSED lessons, wider study education programme as well as through ongoing well-being/mindfulness time.

At Twickenham Primary School Relationships and Health Education (RHED) alongside Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) (PSED for EYFS) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. 

We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.   Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. 


At Twickenham Primary School PHSE/PSED is taught within RHED and wider study lessons. It is also embedded in our classroom practise through mindfulness and wellbeing time.  These subjects aim to enable our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.

Every objective from the new RHED lessons will be taught through range of methods.  At Twickenham Primary we focus on discussions and circle time type lessons so the children are involved in high quality conversations using correct vocabulary appropriate to the objective.  We believe lessons where discussion is a focus allows the children to be open about their opinions and feelings and enables them to ask questions within a safe environment.  Any issues arisen or areas of concern are swiftly passed on through MyConcern and to SLT or dealt with in class through the reflection and mindful areas.

At Twickenham Primary School, children are encouraged to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. Through this role, children develop their sense of self‐worth. Planning includes units linked to relationship education, drug education, finances, community living, anti‐bullying and protective behaviours.

Planning also includes units about rights and responsibilities enabling our children to learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society understanding British Values.  

Relationship and health education also share cross curricular links with a variety of subjects including science and many wider study subjects.

Assemblies are shared covering a range of these learning intentions.  Promoting positive attitudes to all aspects of health, especially mental health.


At Twickenham Primary School we measure the impact of our work in Relationships and Health Education in a variety of ways. We record learning within the Wider Study books and cover all learning intentions necessary.  We involve the children in their learning by asking them what areas of relationship and health education they feel they need extra help with.  These objectives are then covered or repeated where necessary. 

3 yearly pupil questionnaires are carried out which allow the RHED leader to assess where the children are, and check which elements are in need or further work. These also allow us at Twickenham Primary to make sure the children are directed towards the correct professional (internal or external) if needed. 

Our school prides itself on good relationships with the children. These, alongside continual use of self-regulation, reflection and feelings boards within the classrooms allow teachers to evaluate the progress that the children are making with relationship and health education, inform future work, measure the impact of what we teach and monitor specific groups. 

We also develop excellent working relationships with parents right from nursery, addressing any concerns and issues swiftly with our open-door attitude.  This enables high quality parents-teacher partnerships that support positive health messages to be shared. 

Personal, Social and Health Education Policy (PSHE)

At Twickenham Primary School PSHE is taught within our Relationship and Health Education.  The two subjects both aim to enable our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.

At Twickenham Primary School, children are encouraged to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. Through this role, children develop their sense of self‐worth. Planning includes units linked to relationship education, drug education, finances, community living, anti‐bullying and protective behaviours.

Planning also includes units about rights and responsibilities enabling our children to learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society understanding British Values.  

For more information see the Relationship and Health Education Policy.