Be all you can be!


At Twickenham Primary School, we understand that music allows personal expression and can inspire and motivate children.

Music reflects culture and society and so the teaching and learning of music enables children to better understand the world they live in.

Music plays an important role in helping children feel part of a community. 

The content of our Music Curriculum fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum for Music. It teaches the inter-related dimensions of music (rhythm, pulse, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, metre, and structure) and helps children apply and interpret these through performance, composition, appreciation and understanding of the history of music.

From September 2023 the school has implemented Music Express as our music curriculum across the school. 


The intent of implementing Music Express in a Primary School is to provide a high-quality music education that enables all pupils to develop a deep understanding and appreciation for music. This includes nurturing pupils' musical abilities, building their confidence in performing, composing, and listening to music, as well as fostering a love for various musical styles and genres. Music Express aims to ensure that every child can express themselves musically, promoting personal, social, and cultural development.

The key objectives of the school's intent in using Music Express are as follows:

  1. To ensure that all pupils experience a broad and balanced music curriculum, meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum for Music.
  2. To provide progressive music education that builds upon prior knowledge and skills, offering challenging and stimulating opportunities for all pupils.
  3. To develop pupils' understanding of musical concepts, such as rhythm, melody, harmony, and structure, through active participation and exploration.
  4. To promote creativity and self-expression through composing, improvising, and performing music individually and collaboratively.
  5. To celebrate diversity and cultural heritage by exploring a wide range of musical styles, genres, and traditions from different periods and societies.
  6. To foster a love for music, encouraging pupils to actively engage with and appreciate various forms of music throughout their lives.


To effectively implement Music Express, we have ensured the curriculum plan offers both skills-based and knowledge-based learning, across a range of musical experiences. Music is taught either as discrete weekly lessons, or as a block of learning. We continue to actively promote cultural diversity by exploring music from different cultures and time periods. We are continuously adapting the schemes of work provided my music express to suit the needs and interests of the pupils and better reflect the communities we are proud to be a part of.

We are working alongside the music support service to provide violin tuition and musicianship skills to all year 4 pupils.

We have started to find ways to provide opportunities for cross-curricular learning, connecting music with other subjects, such as our wider study topics and events in the school calendar.  At present, music features in our Wider study curriculum, our PE lessons through Dance, and our French lessons.


Pupils will demonstrate progress in their musical skills, knowledge, and understanding, as evidenced through formative and summative assessments.

Pupils will actively participate and engage in all aspects of music education, displaying enthusiasm and enjoyment during lessons and performances.

Pupils will gain confidence in their musical abilities, showcasing their skills through performances, compositions, and improvisations.

Pupils will show an increased awareness and appreciation of a wide range of musical styles, genres, and cultural traditions, promoting inclusivity.

Pupils who continue their musical education into secondary school will have a solid foundation, enabling them to further develop their musical talents. 

Music Curriculum Maps